Sexting Illustration of Hand Reaching Through Phone to Unzip Pants

In today's evermore digitally dependent world, romance isn't confined to candlelit dinners and whispering sweet nothings in the first person. A lot has changed with dating, relating and finding new turn-ons and ways to pique the interest of prospects and partners. Enter sexting – the playful, sometimes risqué practice of exchanging flirty messages and suggestive texts. Sexting is a fun and exciting way to keep the spark alive in your relationship, even when you are miles apart.

Begin Sexting by Setting the Scene:

Just like in real life, setting the mood is an important part of sexting. Find a time when you and your partner can both focus without distractions. Whether it's late at night when the world is quiet or during a lunch break for a midday thrill, choose a moment when you can fully immerse yourselves in the experience.

Start Slow:

No need to dive straight into the deep end – unless, of course, you're both into it! Start with subtle hints and playful teasing to gauge your partner's interest. A simple "I can't stop thinking about you" or "Wish you were here right now" can be enough to kickstart the excitement.

Get Creative with Emojis:

Emojis aren't just for casual conversations anymore – they're the secret weapon of modern-day flirtation! From the classic winky face 😉 to the more suggestive peach 🍑 and eggplant 🍆, emojis can add a playful touch to your messages and convey emotions that words alone can't express.

Use Descriptive Language to Level Up Sexting:

Paint a vivid picture with your words to ignite your partner's imagination. Instead of saying "I miss you," try something like "I crave the feeling of your lips on mine" or "I'm burning up with desire for you." "What would you do if you were here right now?" The more descriptive you can be, the more you'll draw your partner into the fantasy you're creating together. Let your fingers do the typing to lead to mutual, sensual satisfaction through creative imagination.

Explore Past Experiences:

Sexting can provide a platform for couples to explore and discuss their past experiences in a uniquely intimate way. They can also recall when they were most daring, incorporated sex toys or explored new sexual territories. Use different phrases to get them excited: “I love the way you [insert here]”, “I can’t stop thinking about [fill in the blank]”, “Remember when you made me” and “I want to cum like that again”, or “I can still taste you”. Relive your past experiences and fantasies while enhancing your connection and passion.

Keep Your Digital Romance Consensual:

Above all else, make sure that both you and your partner are comfortable with sexting. Respect each other's boundaries and never pressure or coerce the other into doing something they're not comfortable with. Consent is key in any form of intimacy, digital or otherwise.

Know When to Stop:

As much as sexting can be exciting, it's essential to know when to pump the brakes. If your partner isn't responding enthusiastically or seems uncomfortable, take a step back and check in with them. Communication is key in any healthy relationship, so don't be afraid to talk openly about your desires and boundaries.

Remember, sexting is all about having fun and exploring your desires with your partner. So, loosen up, let your imagination run wild, and get ready to unleash your inner flirt! With these real tips in your arsenal, you'll be a sexting pro in no time.

Sex tipsSexting